Over the years, Avish has written many articles on topics including Motivation, Sales, Speaking, Creativity, Communication, and even Romance (seriously!). If you would like to include any of these articles in your own publication, then click here for publishing guidelines.
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Article Categories
Creativity • Speaking • Other
Key to Success - Focus on the Next Step! (1621 Words)
Ignore the Rules, Master the Principles (788 Words)
Assume Success (1124 Words)
Keys To Success: Master The Fundamentals! (1675 Words)
Lesson From Improv Comedy-Make Your Success Automatic! (1256 Words)
Kick Yourself Out of Your Comfort Zone (576 Words)
Doing Things "Your Way"-Have Fun Now! (626 Words)
Stay in the Moment and Double Your Productivity! (743 Words)
The Key to Dealing With Change-Focus on The Only Thing You Can Control (456 Words)
Want to Succeed? Take a Look at the People Around You! (775 Words)
Attention vs. Intention-The Key to Achieving More (594 Words)
Walk Your Talk! (522 Words)
Achieve Satsifaction by Being Courageous! (644 Words)
Little Steps Can Lead to Big Change (506 Words)
Lesson from Improv Comedy: Be Persistent! (827 Words)
Zen and the Art of Improvisation (393 Words)
Lesson from Improv Comedy: Be Willing to Fail (577 Words)
Success Lessons From a Visit to the Eye Doctor (640 Words)
The Creative Planning Method In Action (1328 Words)
Say "Yes And" to Yourself and Move Forward Towards Your Goals (422 Words)
Lesson from Improv Comedy: Keep Your Goals in Perspective! (512 Words)
Lesson from Improv Comedy: Planning vs. Procrastination (376 Words)
Leap Before You Look! (463 Words)
Lesson from Improv Comedy: Be Secure in Who You Are (381 Words)
Lesson from Improv Comedy: Be Yourself! (397 Words)
Lessons from Improv Comedy: Failure and Success (491 Words)
Life Lessons from the Greatest Swordsman Who Ever Lived (344 Words)
Lesson from Improv Comedy: Be Courageous! (330 Words)
Put Fear In Perspective (314 Words)
The Affect of Worry on Productivity (358 Words)
Ask Better Questions to Control Your Focus (397 Words)
Control Your Focus to Maximize Your Energy (431 Words)
Use the "Hobby Mentality" to Have More Fun at Work (512 Words)
Lesson from Improv Comedy: Have More Fun! (447 Words)
Anyone Can Do Anything (402 Words)
The Power of Focus! (710 Words)
Life: The Ultimate Improvisation (350 Words)
Watch Your Focus (503 Words)
Utilizing the 80-20 Rule (464 Words)
How to Achieve Your Goals and Be Happy Doing It (1332 Words)
Teaching kids - UGH!! (...and what I learned from it) (747 Words)
The Key to Communication: Let Go of Control (535 Words)
The Powerful Difference Between Saying "Yes And" and "Yes But" (399 Words)
Improve Your Communication By Simply Paying Attention (482 Words)
Talk Less, Listen More (279 Words)
An Empty Mind: The Key to Great Teamwork and Communication (664 Words)
Trusting Yourself: The Key to Trusting Others (508 Words)
Stop Talking-Start Learning (584 Words)
Creativity and Communication Lessons from Crossing the Street (480 Words)
The Sound of Silence (282 Words)
Putting the 'I' in Team (975 Words)
Networking For People Who Hate Sales and Networking! (1332 Words)
Better Sales Through Improv Comedy (335 Words)
Creativity is Hard Work! (722 Words)
Build Your "Creativity Muscle" with Word Associations! (347 Words)
Lesson From Improv comedy: One Step Away From Innovation (709 Words)
Tips for Better Brainstorming (319 Words)
Get Your Body Moving to Increase Your Creativity (393 Words)
Tap Your Creativity by Bypassing Your Inner Filters (439 Words)
Access Your Creativity by Not Thinking (553 Words)
Creativity: The Key To Getting More Done In Less Time (697 Words)
Tapping into Your Super Creative Power (566 Words)
Infinite Ideas (404 Words)
7 Techniques to Supercharge your Creativity and Solve your Problems (613 Words)
9 Steps to Supercharge Your Productivity with Creativity (878 Words)
Generating Ideas: Everything is a Starting Point (366 Words)
The Good Enough 10% (424 Words)
Be Your Own Sounding Board (963 Words)
Does Your Audience Care? (1016 Words)
Improv Comedy for Speakers (617 Words)
Outside-In Confidence for Public Speaking (681 Words)
The Secrets of "Watchability" for Speakers (554 Words)
How to Use Gibberish to Engage Your Audience as a Speaker (761 Words)
Write Better and Faster Using Your Creativity... (1145 Words)
Applying Improv Comedy Principles to Business (474 Words)
Better Relationships Through Improv Comedy! (636 Words)
Career Advice From the World of Improv Comedy! (1235 Words)
Publishing Info
Editors--Permission to reprint articles by Avish Parashar is hereby given to all print, broadcast and electronic media provided that the contact information at the end of each article is included in your publication. Organizations publishing articles electronically, a live, click-able link to must also be included with the body of the article. Additionally, please mail one copy of your publication to:
Avish Parashar, 2801 Pennsylvania Ave, A205, Philadelphia, PA 19130
Permission to reprint articles by Avish Parashar at no charge is granted with the agreement that:
1) The article bio be included following each article used.
2) One copy of the publication in which the article is published be provided to Avish Parashar.
3) A fee per article will be expected for articles published without the closing bio and contact information: $300.
Permission is also granted for reasonable:
1) Editing content and industry specific example exchange.
2) Length.
3) Article title change
Permission is also granted for reasonable: Electronic publishing of articles must include a live, click-able link to
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