Tap Your Creativity by Bypassing Your Inner Filters
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A very common question I would get as an improv comedy performer was, ‘What if you can't think of anything to say?' The simple answer to that question is that it never happens. This is not because I am such a superb performer, but rather that I know how the mind works, and I know that the issue is never that I have nothing to say. The issue is that I can't think of anything to say that I think is good enough.
As humans, we tend to watch our words carefully, and be very critical of what we say before we say it. As a society, we instill this behavior from a very young age. Young children are told by their parents, ‘don't say that! Don't do that!' Then the kids go off to school and teachers tell them, ‘don't do that! Don't say that!' Then the child makes friends and needs to be wary of what he says for fear that his friends and classmates will make fun of him. As the child grows and goes to high school and college, the concept of ‘political correctness' is introduced. Then he gets a job, and workplace sensitivity and harassment issues make him watch his words even more closely.
To a degree, these limitations are positive. It is a good thing to create a work environment where no one feels offended by anyone else's remarks. In terms of creativity, however, these limitations, or filters, create people that are unwilling to express and explore their inner ideas.
The best approach is to be aware of your filters and have control of them. The filter to not say something offensive at work is a good one that benefits you. The filter that stops you from saying something stupid may be useful, but it also may be set too high - you might be so afraid of expressing a good idea because you fear someone will make fun of you for it. Have you ever had the situation where you had a thought but didn't say anything, and then two minutes later someone else says the same thing and is applauded for it?
Also, there are environments where you need to be able to get rid of that filter altogether. Brainstorming and problem solving can not be done effectively if you restrict yourself.
There are exercises that help you take control of your internal filters, but the best way is to just start practicing. Be willing to speak up and say your ideas. You will do better, and you will feel happier when you do.
Avish Parashar is a dynamic professional speaker who shows organizations and individuals how to get what they want using the Art and Science of improv comedy. He weaves together humorous stories, witty observations, and interactive exercises from improvisational comedy to get people laughing, learning, and motivated! Avish is most commonly called upon to deliver programs on Motivation, Sales, and Communication
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