Frequently Asked Questions
What does comedy have to do with business?
My group is pretty stiff. How will the respond?
Is this going to be a comedy show?
Is this like standup comedy?
Why should we use you?
What exactly is Improv Comedy?
What does improv comedy have to do with business?
To perform improv comedy well, a person needs to have fun, work with others, communicate effectively, and powerfully deal with the unexpected. What business wouldn't benefit from people with those skills...?
My group is pretty stiff. How will the respond?
Avish has years of experience in front of many, many different audiences. The level of interaction is structured to gradually increase the audience's participation level from simple to more involved. People are not uniformly "stiff;" they are just reserved. Avish's presentation will loosen them up and get them out of their shell! (In fact, sometimes the "stiffest" people are the ones who need this the most and getthe most out of it...
Is this going to be a comedy show?
Is this like standup comedy?
No. It will be funny and Avish will make your group laugh. However, if you are looking for pure entertainment you may want to hire a stand-up comic (or talk to Avish about putting on a pure improv comedy show). The difference is that Avish's presentation, while very, very funny, has a point. People will walk out with useful ideas and techniques.
Why should we use you?
Because the three most common words I see on evaulations are: "Refreshing," "Funny," "Useful." Click here to see ten more reasons...
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